


如有疑问或更多信息,请联系Mark Lerner.



我们研究领导者如何利用技术来提高政府绩效, outline strategies to more effectively recruit 和 hire qualified technical experts, 和 highlight agency success stories 和 challenges in the development of new digital tools 和 services. 我们也提供一些培训, fellowship 和 internship programs to help federal leaders 和 agencies use technology more effectively to fulfill their missions. 


To underst和 how agencies are mobilizing cloud computing for public service, 的伙伴关系, 与IBM政府事务中心合作, 在2022年举办了一系列由联邦IT领导人参加的活动. 在三个网络研讨会的过程中, we heard from the Census Bureau; the departments of Agriculture, Defense 和 Veterans Affairs; the Federal Emergency Management Agency; the Government Accountability Office; the National Institutes of Health; the National Oceanic 和 Atmospheric Administration; 和 the Office of Personnel Management.
How Governments Can Apply Responsible AI Principles to Artificial Intelligence for Public Service Delivery
Different agencies 和 levels of government have widely varying experience with using artificial intelligence in public service delivery. 不管他们的经验水平如何, public sector organizations must put responsible AI principles at the center of their decision-making around AI. In this report the 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 和 Microsoft offer recommendations of questions 和 considerations non-technical leaders should address at each stage of the process, 从他们最初对人工智能的思考,到人工智能在服务交付中的日常应用.
The Role of Data 和 Evidence in Advancing the President’s Management Agenda
This report features case studies detailing how three agencies have successfully created a data infrastructure 和 used that data to drive lasting change on the three PMA priorities.

Our latest issue brief examines the results of our 联邦数据和数字成熟度 Index, a new survey launched in collaboration with Boston Consulting Group designed to help agencies meet federal data assessment requirements.

Thumbnail for Better Together: How Integrating Enterprise Risk Management Can Help Strengthen Federal Cybersecurity
Better Together: How Integrating Enterprise Risk Management Can Help Strengthen Federal Cybersecurity
How Integrating Enterprise Risk Management Can Strengthen Federal Cybersecurity
The 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 和 Deloitte explore how agencies can use enterprise risk management, 或ERM, 为了更好地评估, 监控网络安全风险并做出决策.


我们提供领导力发展, fellowship 和 internship programs to help federal leaders use technology to deliver best-in-class services to their customers 和 to provide government with the tech talent it needs to serve the public effectively. 


The 网络安全人才计划 places students 和 recent graduates in cybersecurity-related positions at a federal agency for two years. 在他们的服务结束之前, participants are invited to apply for full-time positions with the program’s private sector partners. Professional development, a mentorship program 和 technical training is also offered.


The Future Leaders in Public Service Internship Program places students into paid internships 和 develops a diverse pool of young talent for different federal agencies. C和idates interested in several career tracks—including information technology, 科学, 工程和数学——鼓励申请.


The 任务支持领导计划 prepares GS-12 to GS-14 federal employees in acquisitions, 财务管理, human resources 和 information technology to become more effective leaders by focusing on the core tenets of 的伙伴关系’s 电子竞技押注平台领导模式. 参与者制定策略,在他们的机构产生影响, 培养关键的领导素质,提高他们的社交技能.


Thumbnail for 通过网络安全人才计划打入科技行业
Ramatu Mohammed spent two years as an IT cybersecurity specialist at the State Department through the 网络安全人才计划, a Partnership program that places recent college graduates in two-year fellowships at federal agencies 和 provides the opportunity to learn from cyber leaders in the public 和 private sectors. 穆罕默德称赞这个项目帮助……
Thumbnail for How our AI Federal Leadership Program drives progress of AI use in government
人工智能正在迅速渗透到我们周围的世界, 我们的政府不能落在后面.    The 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 developed its AI Federal Leadership Program to educate members of the Senior Executive Service 和 GS-15 employees on developing 和 executing a vision for AI in their agencies.   这个项目得到了……
Thumbnail for 回归基础:为电子竞技押注平台提供导航生成式人工智能风险
电子竞技押注平台机构, 州和地方各级有义务提供具有成本效益的服务, 为所有可能的客户提供值得信赖和公平的电子竞技押注平台. Artificial intelligence tools have the potential to help agencies meet this responsibility by enhancing the efficiency 和 ease of public service delivery.   然而,正如合作伙伴最近的报告所述,……
Thumbnail for 实现数字化转型的思维方式、流程和工具现代化
联邦机构越来越多地采用创新方法, 像敏捷, that prioritize iteration 和 user experience to transform digital service delivery 和 better serve the American public. 为了迎接这一刻, the 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 hosted a four-part series of workshops titled “Agile Government 和 Digital Transformation” with Slalom 和 Fearless.   这个电子竞技押注平台,最后的…
联邦机构越来越多地采用创新方法, 像敏捷, that prioritize iteration 和 user experience to transform digital service delivery 和 better serve the American public. 为了迎接这一刻, the 电子竞技押注平台伙伴关系 hosted a four-part series of workshops titled “Agile Government 和 Digital Transformation” with Slalom 和 Fearless.   这个电子竞技押注平台,第三个…
